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Lifesaving Mission to Change the Culture of Infant Sleep: Judy Bannon Achieves Distinction in Women World Magazine as One of the 10 Most Ambitious Women in Business in 2024

The infant care service sector is dedicated to understanding and preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a leading cause of newborn mortality. Significant strides have been made through initiatives like the Back to Sleep campaign, which emphasizes safe sleep positioning. Despite these efforts, challenges remain in ensuring universal access to safe sleep resources. Judith Bannon, CEO and Founder of Cribs for Kids, has been pivotal in tackling these challenges. Since the late 1980s, Judy has advanced SIDS awareness and research, founding Cribs for Kids, a national nonprofit committed to preventing sleep-related infant deaths through education and safe sleep products.

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In 1989, Judy Bannon, then Director of Development for United Cerebral Palsy, became the first Executive Director of SIDS of Pennsylvania. Upon learning that over 10,000 babies died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) annually with no telethons supporting research, she accepted the position with the goal of reducing these deaths. Through her leadership, she helped establish the Back to Sleep campaign and later founded Cribs for Kids, an organization dedicated to providing safe sleep environments for infants. Cribs for Kids has since expanded nationwide, partnering with over 2,000 organizations to educate families and reduce infant sleep-related deaths.

As CEO, Judy Bannon finds the most rewarding aspect of her role to be the growth of Cribs for Kids from a local initiative to a national non-profit with over 2,000 partners. The organization’s leadership team, including experts in operations, logistics, finance, programs, and development, has driven its success. Cribs for Kids’ mission to change the culture of infant sleep expanded globally in 2023, with ongoing partnerships in Canada, Israel, and Australia. Judy’s book, Five Ladies and a Forklift, provides valuable insights for those passionate about making an impact. The organization’s for-profit subsidiary, Ette cetera helps raise funds for its mission.

Recognized by Women World Magazine as One of the 10 Most Ambitious Women in Business in 2024 World in 2024, Judy Bannon’s leadership has transformed Cribs for Kids from a local initiative into a nationwide movement, advancing safe sleep practices and saving countless infant lives.